Business, Economics & Hospitality Pathway

Business, Economics & Hospitality programs study finance and management to help businesses and offices function smoothly and plan for the future. They may be employed by private business, government, or work independently.


Business, Economics & Hospitality

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Business, Economics & Hospitality Programs

Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Accounting AS C SC
Administrative Assistant AS
Advanced Cook Skills SC
Business Administration AS C
Business Administration 2.0 AS-T
Business Information Worker 1 C
Business Information Worker II C
California State University General Education C
Cloud Computing C
Computer Information Systems AS
Cook Skills SC
Culinary Arts AS C
Economics AA-T
Global Trade and Logistics C
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum C
ITTP I: Computer Sales and Support C
Property Management SC
Real Estate C SC
Records Management (Clerical Records & Filing) SC
Taxation SC
Virtual Digital Marketing Apprenticeship
Culinary Arts
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Professional Baking